Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our Books-to-Movies Discussion Series Continues with Dracula

Join us on Wednesday, July 17 for the third of our Book-to-Movie screening/discussions.  We'll be watching Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi, and then comparing and contrasting it to Bram Stoker's original book.  Haven't read it yet?  We won't tell!  If you do want to read it, though, you may check out a copy at the front desk.  It's a great beach book, and the library is nice and cool to relax in and take in a movie.  Come on in!

Who: Everyone is welcome
What: Dracula screening/discussion
When: Wednesday, July 17, 5 p.m.
Where: Lane Memorial Library Weston Theater

Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library.

Questions?  Ask Kirsten: or 926-3368.


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