Monday, July 27, 2015

Kids and Teens Summer Programs Week of July 27 - August 1

Summer Events for Teens and Kids This Week!


Just a reminder that you have 6 library days left to turn in tickets for our end-of-summer raffles (all red and yellow tickets are due by Noon on August 3) for the Summer Reading Program! and 5 library days to turn in blue tickets for our last Gift Card Raffles (Regal Cinemas on Friday, 7/31). The more you read and the more activities you finish on the bingo card, the more chances you have to win!!!

Our annual Talent Show is coming up next week on Wednesday, July 29! If your kid(s) would like to participate please have them sign up at the Children's Room Desk as soon as possible call (926-4729) or stop by.

Fri., July 31 @ 1 pm: The Incredibles, Rated PG

Tues., Aug. 4, 5-7 pm: Summer Reading Finale Party—This will be an outdoor event on the field next to Centre School. We will have games, fun and music for the whole family. There will be a separate blog post/email for this event in the next couple of days. (Rain date—Thursday, Aug. 6)


Summer Reading is almost over! I can't believe how quickly the time has flown this month. I'm proud of all of you who read, volunteered, and participated in programs. 

I know school is starting to creep up. Please enjoy the last bit of your summer. Go for a hike. Camp in your back yard. Ride a roller coaster. Look for beach glass at sun rise. Store up all the wonderful memories of halcyon days you can.

Here's what we'll be doing in our last six days:
July 27- will be our second to last Weekly Raffle in the Teen Area from 3:30-4:00 pm. Turn in your reading or attend to earn tickets. The Kona Ice Truck will show up for one last time!

July 27- The second to last Reading Buddies 4:00-4:30 pm, Children's Room. Our Reading Buddies program is full. 

July 28- Photo Booth 3:30-4:30 pm, Teen Area. We'll have some props for you to take selfies with. If you missed the Make a Mask program, and think you'd still like to give this a try, I'd be happy to break out the supplies. 
July 29- Game Booth Brainstorm Session 3:30-4:30 pm, Teen Area. Volunteers are still welcomed to help design a game booth for the End of Summer Finale Party. The booths will be for the younger children who participate in the Children's Room Summer Reading Program. Free snacks. Bring your completed ideas and list of items you plan to gather for your game booth.

July 30, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Movie in the Teen Area with free popcorn. 
July 31, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Last Water Balloon Battle, Library Lawn. I have around 400 water balloons... it would be a shame if they went to waste. 
July 31, 8:30-11:00 p.m. Skywatch with the NH Astronomical Society, North Beach, Hampton, NH.  The Society will bring several of their telescopes to this event. A beach star watch is pretty much the most awesome thing to do. Everyone should try it once. Open to all ages.
August 3, Final Game Booth Brainstorm Session 3:00-4:00 pm, Teen Area.
August 3, Final Reading Buddies 4:00-4:30 pm, Children's Room.
August 4, SUMMER FINALE PARTY!!!!! Starts at 5:00 pm, Centre School Lawn.

Earn tickets by attending any daily program(weekly raffle, movie night, Tuesday activities, etc) or volunteer program. Attend 7 programs and earn 25 tickets. There are at least 7 programs above that you could attend.

Don't forget that the Teen Bingo Card earns you extra tickets. Completing a Bingo Card earns you 25 tickets!

I'll be sending one additional email about the Summer Finale Party. And don't forget to stop by and sign our Summer Yearbook! ~ Stacy


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