Saturday, July 29, 2006

Readers Theatre

The LML Readers Theatre Troupe is putting on a special story time presentation on Tuesday, August 8th at 4:00 p.m. Open to all ages, but especially geared toward students entering kindergarten through fourth grade. Come one, come all, and see what fun you can have with reading!

The Troupe is made up of students in sixth grade and up. We hope to continue with such presentations every month or two throughout the school year. Time requirements are minimal: just one or two meetings per performance to select scripts, assign roles, and rehearse reading. Newcomers are welcome. Contact Cheryl to join: 926-4729 or

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lane Library Friends Announce Summer Book Sale/Bake Sale Hours

Mark your calendars! It’s that time of year again. There will be book bargains galore and tasty baked treats at the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library’s Annual Summer Book Sale. Prices are minimal and all proceeds benefit the library. The public hours will be:

Thursday, August 10 from 9 am to 7 pm
Friday, August 11 from 9 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday from 9 am to 12 noon.

There will be a special preview for Friends members on Wednesday evening, August 9th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Yearly membership dues start at $10 for an individual and $15 for a family. To learn more about the Friends or print an application, please visit this link on the Lane Memorial Library’s website:

The Friends are a non-profit, multi-age volunteer group dedicated to stimulating public support of the library, and supporting it as a vital community resource by raising funds for desirable extras and future capital expenditures.

Linda Libbey

New Ruth Stimson notecards

The Friends are excited to announce the sale of the second set of Ruth Stimson “Art” Notecards. Ruth Stimson is fondly remembered by many in Hampton as a true “Renaissance Woman.” She was a talented artist, passionate environmentalist, educator, community leader, library supporter, and expert gardener. As a Hampton resident, she served in several capacities for the Lane Memorial Library. She was a member of several organizations including the Hampton Garden Club and Historical Society. After her death, her artwork was given to the Lane Memorial Library and sold at a silent auction. Several pieces have been selected and reproduced as note cards. It is very fitting that these fine reproductions of her artwork will serve as a fundraiser for the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library. They can be purchased at the library and at the Tuck Museum in Hampton for $10 per set of 5 notecards. Please support the library through the purchase of these beautiful art reproductions. We are honored and excited to be able to make her work available for all to enjoy.

Linda Libbey

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lane's Summer Reading Program - A "Treasure"

Our summer reading program, "Treasure Reading", is in full swing. The number of children reading 30 minutes or more a day is so encouraging and we couldn't be more proud of you!
There are two more events scheduled before the program ends. Partners in Rhyme will be appearing in the Lane Room, Thursday, July 27th from 10:30am-11:30am. On August 3rd, our final event, Carol Sanborn and Friends will perform from 6:30pm-7:15pm. Afterwards, we will celebrate our accomplishments with a "Pirate Party" complete with refreshments, raffle drawings and certificates of accomplishment. Our treasure chest is filling with tickets earned by all the great reading that the children of Hampton are doing this summer.
Drop by the Children's Room with your reading logs by August 3rd to add your tickets to the chest. Remember, the more you read, the more tickets you earn and the better your chances of winning a wonderful prize!
If you have any questions please contact us at the Children's Room @926-4729.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Teen Summer Reading--The End is Near

Congratulations to the many Hampton area students who have signed up for the Lane Memorial Library teen summer reading program to benefit the NHSPCA. The program continues through the beginning of August, so it's not too late to sign up and join the cause, though time is quickly running out. The program is open to students entering grades 6-12. To participate, teens need to keep track of the time spent reading and bring their reading logs to the children's room of the library no later than Saturday, August 5, 2006. For every three hours each teen reads, he or she gets to drop one ticket into the "Adoption Angel" can of choice (dog, cat, or general small animal). Based on the number of tickets in each can, donations on behalf of the teens will go to support the care for the chosen animal(s). Please remember to stop by the children's room to do your tickets. The animals at the NHSPCA are counting on you! Call Cheryl at the library with any questions: 926-4729.