Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Peter Randall lecture on March 6th

Award winning photographer, author and historian, Peter Randall, will be the speaker on March 6 at the Lane Memorial Library. The program includes slides from his latest book New Hampshire Then and Now, Historical and Contemporary Photographs of the Granite State from 1840-2005. Selecting historical photos from a variety of sources, Peter located and photographed the same site as it looks today because he “wanted to show how the state has changed over time and give people a sense of historical context”.

Randall, a Hampton native, has authored 13 other books on photography, local history and travel, including Hampton, A Century of Town and Beach 1888-1998. For more information on the author and to see some of his galleries visit

The program starts at 6:30pm in the Lane Room and refreshments will be served. For additional information call Betty Moore 926-2543, or Darrell Eifert at 926-3368. Snow date March 13.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Download audiobooks from the Lane Memorial Library

As a service to commuters, the homebound, travelers, and anyone who likes to listen to a good story, the Lane Memorial Library now provides free home access to over 1300 audiobook titles. These books are available to anyone in town with a library card, a Windows PC, and an Internet connection. Featuring a library of current best sellers, classics, children’s books, language instruction, business, non-fiction titles, and novels from every genre, the Overdrive Digital Library Reserve is only a mouse-click away.

Relying on grants and funding from the New Hampshire State Library and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Lane Library was able to purchase a yearly membership in this popular service. What kinds of books are available? How about novels by James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Nicholas Sparks, Janet Evanovich and Orson Scott Card. Or New York Times bestsellers such as Freakonomics, The World is Flat, and Blink. Learn a new language, keep the kids entertained on a long trip, or just enjoy a good book while working around the house. All titles can be downloaded and played through a media PC, and in many cases burned to audio CD or transferred to a portable media player (see the Overdrive site for a list of compatible players and free software). Basic players can be purchased in area electronics stores for under $60. To listen to titles on a personal media player while traveling in the car, small FM transmitters are available that will broadcast an audiobook through the car radio. Titles may be checked out for a period of 7 days, after which the audio download automatically disappears from your computer hard drive and the title “checks itself back in” to the Overdrive service.

To start using this new service, select the audiobook link from the Lane Memorial Library site at To see a video “how-to” tutorial on everything from checkouts to downloads and transfers, go to

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Friends of the Library host Valentine's Day Tea Party

On Saturday February 10th , children came to the Lane Memorial Library dressed in their tea-party finest.  Little girls wore princess-like dresses and young boys wore gentlemen-like attire. This is the third year that the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library hosted a free Valentines Tea Party for children and their families. The Hampton Academy Art (see previous blog post, below) show provided a colorful and stunning backdrop for this elegant affair. All enjoyed the mouth-watering menu of mini-sandwiches, fruit, muffins, heart-shaped cookies and other scrumptious desserts baked by our Friends members. The 70 Guests were attended to by teens volunteering from Hampton Academy and Winnacunnet High School.  The youngest guests delighted in using the china tea cups. Hearts were the theme of the day as Gigi Dawson painted the faces of children and adults. Children’s librarian Paulina Shadowens shared three stories to the polite group. The children created home-made Valentines for their loved ones.  The Friends raffled off sweetheart-themed baskets to two lucky winners. Souvenirs of red balloons and candy sweethearts thrilled the children.  Photos of the event taken by Linda Libbey can be viewed on this flickr site

The Friends’ goal was to promote a memorable family activity and promote the use of the library.  This year’s chairwoman was Gloria Goudreau and she is grateful to all who assisted and baked for the event.   The Friends are always looking for new members. The small membership fee of $10 for individuals and $15 for families is what will help grow the group so similar kinds of activities can be planned.  For more information about membership opportunities with the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library, please visit the Friends website or pick up an application in the library.

Written by:
Linda Libbey, Publicity Chair for the Friends

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hampton Academy Art Show at the Library

Hampton Academy opened their art show at the Lane Memorial Library on Tuesday February 6, 2006. It was a standing room only crowd and those who attended were treated to refreshments. This year, the school has a new art teacher, Dona Boardman, and she combined with Jane Copp to represent the entire school. The art show is a tradition that Mrs. Copp has instituted since she arrived at Hampton Academy six years ago. It will be on display for the month of February. To view photos from the show please visit the photos on this flickr site

Mrs. Copp shared the following about her students' work this year:

6th grade work that was displayed this year included Clown Portrait drawings that instruct tonal shading, Birch tree watercolor paintings that introduce techniques of this medium, Paper folding landscapes using the principles of repetition and unity, Playing Card designs were presented again, Grecian vase designs with written mythologies, Cubist portraits were done with oil pastels in a unit studying Picasso and watercolor paintings of Folk Art from India.

7th grade work for the year 2007 included Tessellations of people and Islamic tile designs that both integrate math concepts, Ribbon drawings were done to study graded shading and perspective, large African masks were done with paint, mosaic pieces and rafia, Warm and Cool color portraits were done in tempera painting as we studied techniques such as over-painting and pattern, Classic and Antique automobiles were drawn as pencil techniques such as hatching and subtraction were taught and
renditions of Grant Wood's American Gothic were done in colored pencil.

8th grade work this year included Watercolor paintings of boats as we studied the work of Winslow Homer, Animals were drawn on Scratchboard using the principle of substraction, Barn landscapes were done with pen while we studied texture, Papier Mache masks were done with tempera paint, Drapery still-life work was done in a unit studying Leonardo da Vinci, Glass jars with flowers were painted with watercolor and Candy wrapper still-life renditions were done in colored pencil as we studied shadow and highlights.

Mrs. Boardman shared the following about her students' work this year:

In 6th grade a unit on Plastercraft greek pots was introduced. This project is an integrated unit with language arts and social studies for the 6th grade as students write a Greek myth, build a pot in the style of ancient Greek potters and then illustrate their Greek myths on the pot. The students loved the chance to bring their ideas 3D! Each design was as unique as the creator.   Also in 6th grade, the students studied Georgia O'Keeffe. This unit combined the study of bones from science with Mr. Tierney with the study of American Painter Georgia O'Keeffe. Students chose a work by O'Keeffe or in the style of O'Keeffe and created giant watercolor paintings. They loved opening up and painting big! Scratchboard NH wildlife was a lesson in the 6th grade. Students studied NH wildlife then chose an animal and created it in scratchboard. Some students will enter their work in the NH wildlife contest sponsored by Plymouth St. College in June with hopes of winning a month on their annual calendar.   The study of Contour Instruments was another lesson in the 6th grade. The students learned the difference between drawing on the left and right sides of the brain in this integrated study of musical instruments.

In the 7th grade, the students created art imitating the view from Kaleidoscopes.   Students studied design and color. I love this unit because every student has success and starts the year feeling like an accomplished artist!   In the 7th grade social studies the study of world cultures is integrated as we study what can be learned about society by looking at the shoes people wear at different times during the ages. Students made clay shoes and painted them. Artist Research Projects were completed in the 7th grade. They chose an artist of any kind: cartoonists, photographers, clothing designers or classical painters. They did a research paper on the artist, created a work in the style of the artist and then dressed like him or her for an artist brunch sponsored by Ms Boardman where they interviewed each other to learn about different styles.   In the 8th grade, studies of color and design were used in creating artwork from the hallway ceiling tiles. These tiles will remain in the hallway to greet everyone! The students are excited to have left a
mark on the school that will be remembered.   8th graders integrated their poems from language arts with art by illustrating their poetry in sharpie with elements from their poems and then using watercolor paint. 

8th grade students also created "oceanscapes" from oil pastels.

In their art classes the following intellectual challenges are presented: problem-solving, abstract decision-making, creativity, processing of perceptual information, accountability and evaluation, the development of a cultural literacy and the application of visual art media, techniques and processes. Mrs. Copp and Mrs. Boardman take great pleasure in sharing the students' hard work with the public. They believe that through the various mediums, the students are able to discover the artist within each of them as they develop problem solving skills, creativity and self esteem.

By Linda Libbey, Friends of the Lane Memorial Library

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Free Lecture on Goal Setting

Free Lecture on Goal Setting at the Lane Memorial Library

February 27th 6:30 to 8:00 pm. 

Are you finding that the New Year's Resolutions you made a month ago are falling by the wayside? Do you skip making resolutions because you don't know where to begin? If this sounds like you, the "Effective Goal Setting" workshop is just what you need. Come learn useful tips on how to achieve your New Year Resolutions, or better yet, how to set goals you will actually accomplish.

New Year Resolutions represent our goals for the year. They serve as a road map for the decisions we make. Did you know that your chance of achieving your goals is 60% to 80% greater when they are written down? Your chance of achieving unwritten goals falls to 3 to 6 % when not committed to paper. Abraham Lincoln was correct when he asserted that,   "A goal properly set is halfway reached." 

Certified Life Coach, Lisa Berman will guide you through the process of properly setting goals that will ensure success. Lisa, founder of Lighthouse Family Coaching, earned her certification through Coach Training Alliance. She has a master's degree in counseling with more than 10 years experience working with children and families. To learn more about coaching services visit

For seating & materials purposes please register for this free lecture by calling the Lane Memorial Library at 926-3368. These and other programs are made possible through the support of the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library and are for the benefit all the community. Additionally, the Friends are always seeking to add to their membership. Anyone who is looking to meet new people, get involved in the community, or is willing to help the library is encouraged to contact the Friends. For more information about the Friends, visit the Friends web site, or call (603) 926-3368.

Linda Libbey
Friends of the Lane Memorial Library