Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Friends of the Lane Memorial Library announce Book Sale dates

Mark your calendars! The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library in Hampton are having their annual summer Book Sale in the middle of July. If you are already a member of the Friends, then you are in luck! We are offering a special member preview on Wednesday, July 11th in the evening from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Memberships can be purchased at the door that night.  Only members will be able to purchase at the preview. The book sale will then begin on Thursday, July 12th from 9:30 am to 7 pm, continue on  Friday July 13th  from 9 am to 4:30 pm, and wrap up on Saturday July 14th from 9 am to Noon. There adult & children’s books and many other items will be for sale at rock bottom prices.  If you are a teacher, this is a superb way to build up your classroom library.  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we would greatly appreciate your support.  It will be held in the Lane Room of the Lane Memorial Library on Academy Avenue in Hampton.

The Friends will also be selling raffle tickets to a Red Sox game and hand-crafted doll clothes that fit Bitty Baby and American Girl dolls.  The library is located on 2 Academy Avenue in Hampton, NH.  All proceeds benefit the library.  For more information, please call the library at 926-3368. The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are a multi-age volunteer group whose mission is to preserve and strengthen the library as a community resource. For more information or to download a membership application, please visit us on the Web at:  http://www.hampton.lib.nh.us/library/friends/index.htm.  If you love the library as much as we do, and would like to help with the sale, please contact Sue Hughes at suemarkh [at] comcast.net or give her a call at 926-0472.

Submitted by

Linda Libbey, Publicity for the Friends

Friday, June 15, 2007

Read your way across the USA!

Readers, start your engines. The Lane Memorial Library is hosting a new summer reading game, with prizes provided by Domino's Pizza and McDonalds restaurant. Participants will be able to read any book of their choosing, as long as it relates to one of the 50 states. Fiction? Try one of Howard Frank Mosher's acclaimed novels based in Vermont's Northern Kingdom. Or perhaps Carl Hiassen hits closer to your funny bone with one of his Florida whodunnits. If you prefer non-fiction, pick up Bill Bryson's A walk in the woods (his adventures along the Appalachian Trail), or Steinbeck's classic Travels with Charley. In the mood for some great fishing stories? Try boat captain Linda Greenlaw's All fishermen are liars, a collection of tales from the famous Dry Dock bar in Portland Maine.

Every participant gets a game card with 25 states (Eastern or Western) and room to write your title. Read a book, record the title, and get your card stamped at the Main Circulation desk. Every 5 books wins a prize, and the first 5 books wins a chance at a Barnes and Noble gift card. Read 25 books and you will qualify for the grand prize drawing, a gift certificate to Portsmouth's Library Restaurant. Game cards are available at the Circulation desk, as are multi-colored "travel brochures" full of reading suggestions from all 50 states.

For those on-line, we offer printable game cards in .pdf format, as well as all our reading lists. Prize drawings will be held at the end of the summer reading program (Labor Day). See you at the finish line!

Game cards:

Reading Suggestions (all available at the Lane Library!):

Thursday, June 07, 2007

We're looking for volunteers!

Would you like to contribute your skills and time to helping out at your friendly neighborhood library? We are looking for volunteers on a variety of projects and tasks. Those with a Wednesday free and a yen for keeping things in order will be welcome to come down and help shelve our book returns. Have a "crafty" personality? You can repair books and cassettes, clean and repair our CD and DVD collections, and cover / stamp the new books. (It's also a great way to get first dibs on anything new to the collection!) Interested in local Hampton history and remember your typing class from High School? We are always on the lookout for help in transcribing town records and reports into our web space.

The Lane Memorial Library depends on a cadre of dedicated volunteers. To join this vital group, please contact Darrell Eifert at 926-3368 or email deifert(at)hampton.lib.nh.us. We look forward to hearing from you.