Do you have plans for the long weekend? Lane Library is here to help! Not only can you stock up on books and movies to tide you over, but we'll be open on Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Day this year!
What does that mean for you? We've got a fun (FREE!) day planned:
First up is the family movie
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs on
Monday, January 18th at 10:30 AM. Inspired by the beloved children's book of the same name, this movie follows the adventures of inventor Flint Lockwood and brainy weathergirl Sam Sparks as they try and figure out why the rain in their little town has stopped and food is falling in its place. Featuring the voices of Bruce Campbell and James Caan, the film's "quirky humor, plucky characters, and solid slapstick make this family comedy a frenetically tasty time at the movies." (
Reviews) We request that parents who bring small children (3rd grade and under) remain with their child for the duration of the movie.

Next up is a gaming afternoon. Join us in the Lane Room from
1:30-4:30 PM. We'll break out our new X Box 360 system. You can be a Rock Star! Or just pretend to be one for the afternoon by playing Beatles Rock Band! We also have Pure (a racing game) and Lego Batman!
Questions? Ask Kirsten: kcorbett@hampton.lib.nh.us, 926-3368, or see our blog , or our Facebook or MySpace pages.