Thursday, April 20, 2006

Connecting Boys with Books—things you can do to help turn boys into life-long readers

Michael Sullivan, Director,Weeks Public Library, Greenland, New Hampshire, Former Children’s Librarian, Former President NHLA, New Hampshire Librarian of the Year (1998), author of Connecting Boys With Books and The Fundamentals of Children’s Services, will speak on the topic of  “connecting boys with books.”

This free lecture is May 2 from 6 pm to 7 pm. Mr. Sullivan will offer ideas and perspectives on why boys aren’t as involved in reading as girls and what we as parents and educators can do to help change this trend.  He will sign copies of his books afterwards. This lecture will be held at the Lane Memorial Library on Academy Avenue in Hampton.  Please register by calling the Lane Library at 926-3368. For more information about Mr. Sullivan or his books please visit:   This is the first in a month-long series of lectures the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are sponsoring to promote literacy among children.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Early Release Day Movies at Lane Library

For the next two early release days, April 19 and May 17, we will open the Lane Room for Hampton students in grades 6-12 to bring their lunches and watch a movie. Show time at 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 19: Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (PG)
After butchering his lines at the wedding rehearsal, a man is sent out to the woods to practice. This time, he performs his vows perfectly as he places the ring on a twig. The twig, however, turns out to be a finger, and the young woman to whom it belongs rises from the dead and claims she is now his legal wife.

Wednesday, May 17: Dreamer (PG)
A heartwarming story about a girl and a horse. Cale's father is a Kentucky horse trainer who witnesses his champion filly fall and break a leg during a practice run. Normally, that would be the end for the horse, but Cale is at the track that day, so her father makes the impulsive decision to buy the horse and bring it home.

Because both films are rated PG, we ask that everyone viewing them have a release signed by a parent or guardian. See Cheryl at the children's desk to pick up a permission slip, or click here to access the form online (PDF).

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Great Stone Face, Isinglass Teen Read, and Flume Awards

Don't forget to vote!

Now through April 20, 2006, Lane Memorial Library invites Hampton students in grades 4-12 to participate in voting for the New Hampshire annual choice awards. Students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades get to choose their favorite of the books nominated for the Great Stone Face award. 7th and 8th graders declare their top choice for the Isinglass Teen Read award. And high school students vote for the brand-new Flume award.

Check out the following Web sites for book lists and past winners:

Great Stone Face:'Room/childrenpages/GSF.htm

Isinglass Teen Read:

The Flume:

Ballots and book lists for all three awards are available in the Children's Room. Many titles are also on display in the teen fiction area of the library. See Cheryl to learn more.

Remember: one vote per person. So, if you are already voting at school or elsewhere, please do not cast a second ballot. But please do make your choice count!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Happy Birthday to the Library

On Sunday the 2nd the library turned 125 years old. The next day we held three events at the library to celebrate. In the afternoon children's musician "Wayne From Maine" entertained a full crowd in the library's Wheaton Lane Room. At 6 o'clock the Friends of the Library hosted a reception for past and present Library Trustees. Twelve were in attendance, as can be seen in the photo here. In front are Dot Gooby (alternate 2002-present), Judy Geller (2000-present), Katie Anderson (1981-1999), Lenore Patton (2000-2005), Sara Casassa (2000-present), Bridgit Valgenti (2005-present), and Jerry McConnell (1990-2000). In back are Linda Sadlock (alternate 2005-present), Jim Inglis (1994-1999), Bob Frese (2005 to present), Judith Straw (1986-1990) and Arthur Moody (1986-1989). [Click the photo for a larger image.)

After the Trustees reception everyone went downstairs to listen to a wonderful concert given by classical guitarist Peter Fletcher. It was another full house and he was very well received.

If you came into the library on Wednesday you may have been treated to a piece of our birthday cake. We had two cake made with photos of the library building in three different eras imprinted into the frosting, as can be seen in these photos.

If you missed the cake you still have plenty of time to enter our raffle. For 125 days, or until August 5th, each time you come to the library you can fill out one raffle ticket to try and win either a $125 gift certificate to the Library Restaurant in Portsmouth (for adults) or 125 quarters (for children). There will also be monthly prizes (to be announced) drawn on the 20th of the next four months.