Connecting Boys with Books—things you can do to help turn boys into life-long readers
Michael Sullivan, Director,Weeks Public Library, Greenland, New Hampshire, Former Children’s Librarian, Former President NHLA, New Hampshire Librarian of the Year (1998), author of Connecting Boys With Books and The Fundamentals of Children’s Services, will speak on the topic of “connecting boys with books.”
This free lecture is May 2 from 6 pm to 7 pm. Mr. Sullivan will offer ideas and perspectives on why boys aren’t as involved in reading as girls and what we as parents and educators can do to help change this trend. He will sign copies of his books afterwards. This lecture will be held at the Lane Memorial Library on Academy Avenue in Hampton. Please register by calling the Lane Library at 926-3368. For more information about Mr. Sullivan or his books please visit: This is the first in a month-long series of lectures the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are sponsoring to promote literacy among children.