Library News Briefs from the Friends of the Library
Friends of the Lane Memorial Library News
Red Sox Raffle
The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are sponsoring a raffle for four Red Sox tickets. The game is the Red Sox vs. the Cleveland Indians to be played
Tuesday August 1st at 7:05 pm.The seats are in the grandstand along the first
base line. The raffle tickets will be $2.00 each and can be purchased at the
Lane Memorial Library or at Hoaty´s. The raffle winner will be drawn on
Saturday July 15th at the library. Support the Lane by supporting the Friends
of the Lane ! The Friends would like to gratefully acknowledge Engineering
Planning & Management, Inc. in Framingham, MA who donated the tickets.
Looking for Book Donations
The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library in Hampton are seeking gently used books for their upcoming summer book sale. Please drop off your donations to the library on Academy Avenue in Hampton, NH. If you have any questions please call the library at 926-3368.
Library Flower Barrels
Churchill´s of Exeter has donated the plants for our flower barrels and
entrance. Lane Library Friend, Sue Corbett and fellow Hampton Garden Club
member, Sandy Taube have completed the design and planting. We appreciate
their generosity and efforts to beautify our library.
Ruth Stimson "Art" Notecards now available
The Friends are excited to announce the sale of the first set of Ruth Stimson "Art" Notecards. Ruth Stimson is fondly remembered by many in Hampton as a true "Renaissance Woman." She was a talented artist, passionate
environmentalist, educator, community leader, library supporter, and expert
gardener. As a Hampton resident, she served in several capacities for the Lane
Memorial Library. She was a member of several organizations including the
Hampton Garden Club and Historical Society. After her death, her artwork was
given to the Lane Memorial Library and sold at a silent auction. Several pieces
have been selected and reproduced as note cards. It is very fitting that these
fine reproductions of her artwork will serve as a fundraiser for the Friends of
the Lane Memorial Library. See this flyer for pictures of the art work used. They can be purchased at the library and at the Tuck Museum in Hampton for $10 per set of five notecards. We are honored and excited to be able to make her work available for all to enjoy.
Linda Libbey