Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Twilight Book Club reads "The Thirteenth Tale"

On Tuesday, November 4th at 6:30 PM, the Twilight Book Club will meet to discuss The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield.

Settle down to a rousing good ghost story about secrets, winter, books and family. This story within a story is a gothic tale of twins, mothers gone mad, and a creepy estate. The Thirteenth Tale is a book that you wake in the middle of the night craving to get back to.

“The Thirteenth Tale is a book to savor dozens of times. It is timeless, charming, pure pleasure to read. It weaves reality and fantasy into a cozy, colorful world where characters are both real and archetypal, and the good life belongs to people who read. The Thirteenth Tale is a comfort book. A book to restore the spirit." —San Diego Union-Tribune

Copies are available now for checkout, and new members always welcome. Looking ahead to December, on the 2nd we’ll discuss Last Night at the Lobster, by Stewart O’Nan.

Please bring a January book recommendation for our next meeting. If you need more info, contact Debra Perry at debraperry@gmail.com.

The Twilight Book Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Dorothy Little room.

Back by Popular Demand: One-Day Doll Clothes Sale!!!

The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are selling beautiful handmade clothes appropriate for American Girl and Bitty Baby-sized dolls. Prices range from $4-$15.

With the holidays and winter birthdays coming up, this is a great time to buy some unique and charming items that children will cherish for years to come.

The sale runs Thursday, November 6th only, from 12-5 pm.

For further information, please call the Children's Room at 926-4729.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Library Accepting Donations for November 5 & 6 Children's Book Sale

October 25, 2008 – The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are accepting donations of gently-used children's books for its upcoming Children's Book Fair on Wednesday, November 5, from 3-7 pm, and Thursday, November 6, from 9-5 pm. The Children's Book Sale is open to the public and will feature an assortment of children's books including picture books, early readers, learn-to-read books as well as chapter books. Children's DVDs, videos and puzzles will also be available. The book sale will be held in the Lane Room and all items are 25 cents. "Our children's book sale is a terrific family event, and we are expecting another great turnout this year," comments Friends President Sue Hughes. According to Hughes, families with children of all ages attend the sale including those with infants and toddlers, beginning readers as well as teenagers. “When a child outgrows a book or moves to a higher reading level, it’s a great opportunity for area residents to donate their gently-used books to our Children's Book Sale. And after creating more bookshelf space at home, families can purchase new items at a nominal cost. It’s a win-win situation for their children and the Lane Library."

Donations will be accepted up to and continuing through the sale, and items can be brought directly to the Lane Library children's room. Picture books and easy readers are especially appreciated. All proceeds raised from the November 5 and 6 Children's Book Fair benefit the Friends,
a multi-age volunteer organization whose mission is to preserve and strengthen the library as a community resource. The Friends of the Lane Library sponsors a variety of speakers, exhibits, and community events for the benefit of the Lane Memorial Library. For more information, visit the Friends website at www.lanelibraryfriends.org/ or contact the Lane Library at 926-3368.

Kacey Morris

Join us for Friday morning drop-in story time!!

Please join our teen volunteers Kara and Sara for informal drop-in story times on Friday mornings from 10:30-11:15. They are happy to share books, puzzles, or puppets with your child while you remain in the Children's Room. No need to sign up--just drop on by!

Please call us at 926-4729 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Digital TV Conversion Seminar Oct. 25th.

Did you know that your TV will stop working on February 17th, 2009? That is to say, your analog television with a set-top or outside antenna will no longer function after television stations cease regular broadcasting and switch to digital-only broadcasting in February of next year. In order to free up parts of the airwaves for police and emergency personnel, television broadcasting is moving from an old standard – known as “analog” – to a new digital standard. If your television is connected to cable, satellite, or other pay television service, chances are you will not be affected.

If however, you receive television signals from an inside or outside antenna, or would like to explore the option of free high-definition television reception through a standard antenna hook-up, join us at the Lane Memorial Library on Saturday, October 25th at 3:00 PM for an informative presentation by Rick Reynolds on the coming changes in digital broadcast television. As a Radio Shack affiliate, he will explain the technology behind the change-over, as well as demonstrate how to use a converter box with analog televisions that will allow the older sets to continue working with the new digital signals. He will also explain how to obtain free $40 vouchers that may be applied towards the purchase of these converters.

For more information, contact Darrell Eifert at the Lane Library (926-3368) or go to the official government broadcasting agency site at www.dtv.gov.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lane Library Friends, Hampton Rotary to host 50th Anniversary Gala and Wine Tasting

The Friends of Lane Library, in association with the Rotary Club of Hampton, present an event of fun and food in celebration of the Friends' 50th Anniversary.

Scheduled for Saturday, November 8, 7:30 p.m. at the library, the semi-formal event will feature a wine tasting, silent auction, musical entertainment, hors d'oeuvres and desserts, and door prizes. A limited number of tickets are available now to purchase at the Lane Library. Individual tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door the evening of the event.

"The Lane Library is one of our town's most valuable resources and the Friends have been active supporters for fifty years," comments Sue Hughes, President of the Lane Library Friends. "We are pleased to team up with the Hampton Rotary and members of the greater Hampton community to celebrate our Golden Anniversary."

"We've had fabulous support from area individuals and businesses and look forward to more community involvement as plans continue to unfold," comments Friends Vice-President Debra Perry who is chairing the gala celebration. "E. & J. Gallo Winery will be providing the wines, along with a staff of knowledgeable servers. Shaws, Hutchinson's Candy and Hannaford are donating refreshments. The Silent Auction will feature original pieces from area artists as well as gift baskets, gift cards and other special items from a number of local businesses including the Galley Hatch, Bayberry Gifts, Present Perfect, Timberland, Crate and Barrel, Dunkin' Donuts, Newbury North Salon, and Diane Gordon and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. It should be a fun and festive evening for all and a worthy celebration of the work the Friends have done, and continue to do, for the benefit of the Lane Library."

Tickets to the November 8 gala event are available at the Lane Library now.

Established in 1958, the Friends is a multi-age volunteer organization whose mission is to preserve and strengthen Hampton's library as a community resource. For more information about the Friends and the November 8 gala event, visit the Friends website at