News from the Lane Memorial Library, the public library of Hampton, New Hampshire.
How can anyone not love a book that simultaneously tells a deeply moving and compelling story and explore the abortion debate with humor and evenhandedness? In The Cider House Rules Irving knows his characters and gradually reveals their quirks and idiosyncrasies. He knows and loves them so much, the reader can't help but love the ether-imbibing Dr. Larch and his surrogate son, the orphan Homer Wells. Irving is a consummate storyteller.
The Lane Memorial Library is open 60 hours per week, including 4 evenings and every Saturday?
If you haven't seen today's (Feb 17th) Hampton Union, you will have missed two stories about the library:
More often than not these days movies are based on books. Before the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, how many of us actually read this F. Scott Fitzgerald gem, let alone even heard of it? Some books are popular on their own but gain in popularity once the movie is released. The Bourne Identity, for instance, has been around since 1980, but Matt Damon’s superb role as Jason Bourne in 2002 made the book a hit all over again. Can anyone who has seen the movie now read the book without picturing Damon as the main character?
10 Ways Your Library Can Save You Money