Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Friends of the Lane Memorial Library to hold Holiday Bake Sale & Doll Clothes Sale

The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library will hold a Bake Sale, holiday décor raffle and hand-crafted doll clothes sale (fits American Girl and Bitty Baby) at the library on Thursday, December 1 from 10 am to 5 pm and Friday, December 2 from 10 am to 4 pm. Save time in the kitchen this year and support your Library! The doll clothes are hand-crafted and at bargain prices. Anyone interested in baking for the sale can contact Dot Gooby at 926-4069 or

Linda Libbey

Monday, November 28, 2005

It's Holiday Time, Let's Celebrate at the Lane Memorial Library

December is a time of the year to celebrate, not only the season, but the sharing of wonderful books. The Lane Memorial Library is planning several programs for children during the month.

Wednesdays, December 7th - 21st, there will be 10:30 AM open story time for children ages 2 and up. Many wintery, snowy and holiday stories will be shared during that time in hopes of snow, snow and more snow.

On Thursday, December 15th, our annual Polar Express Party will be held at 6:30 PM. All participants, not just children, are encouraged to dress in pajamas and come ready for a pajama parade, the Polar Express story, holiday songs, snacks and who knows, maybe a visit from that special fellow from up north. Sign ups will begin on December 1st and space is limited. Please stop in the Children's Room or call 926-4729 for reservations.

The following Saturday, December 17th will be the first annual Gingerbread House Decorating story time at 10:00 AM. Stories will be shared and then each participant will be decorating an individual house that will go home and become a special part of the holiday decorations. Children ages 4 and up can sign up on December 1st. Participation is limited to only 15 children. Call the Children's Room for additional information.

As always, if you have any questions, please call the Children's Room. Better yet, stop in and see what a great place the Lane Memorial Library is for your family.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Library Shelves Dedicated to Tom Donaldson

The following article and photo by Scott E. Kinney appeared in the November 25, 2005 Atlantic News:

The Lane Library dedicated one of its shelves on Monday to the memory of former library board member Tom Donaldson.

Donaldson served on the board from 1994 to 2000 and his widow, Fran, said the dedication was fitting in consideration of all the time he spent at the library.

The shelf, along with the books that fill it, was donated to the library by residents of Hampton and Naples, Florida, including members of the Naples Heritage Book Club, of which Donaldson was a proud member as well as the club’s “token male,” according to Fran.

Donaldson was both an avid reader and writer, and Fran said he loved to sit outside at their Florida home by the palm tree with his books. Donaldson also served as a freelance writer for the Atlantic News from 1996 until his passing.

During that time, Tom covered selectmen’s meetings in Hampton and Seabrook, the Seafood Festival and Seabrook Old Home Days.

Fran said her late husband was pleased and surprised that the paper offered him work, despite the fact that he was in his late 60s. “He just loved the paper,” said Fran.

Tom is remembered at the Atlantic News as a devout Red Sox fan, the paper’s representative to the Hampton Rotary, and a member of American Legion Post 35. Most of all, he is remembered as a good writer and a good friend. “He would have been proud,” said Fran of the dedication.

Friends celebrate Children’s Book Week with good-will Book Sale

The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library recently celebrated National Children's Book Week with a well-attended Children’s Book Sale. The sale was organized to put “gently” used books in the hands of as many children as possible for a nominal fee and get children excited about reading. Children’s Book Week is a time-honored tradition. Celebrated since 1919, it is dedicated to spreading the word about children's literature and encouraging the joys of reading. Annually, it is the week before Thanksgiving. Traditionally schools and libraries applaud books and reading by coming up with ideas to mark this special event. While the Friends hosted this particular event, the Children’s Room had their own special line-up of activities. The Friends group made approximately $360 on the sale of 25 cent books. Approximately 150 first graders visited the Friends’ Book Sale in a “walking” field trip. The Friends group gave each child a book mark to commemorate their visit and advertise the sale. The children were so excited they brought their parents and siblings back to the sale later. It generated a great deal of enthusiasm and the Friends were asked by many to repeat this event in the spring. All of the proceeds will be going to the Children’s Library. The book sale was a team effort between the children’s room staff and the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library.

Linda Libbey

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Lane Library Website Featured in Genealogical Journal

In the latest issue of "New England Ancestors", published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society of Boston, there is an article in the "Computer Genealogist" section titled "Favorite Websites for Tracing New England Ancestors" by Lynn Betlock. They surveyed readers of the Society e-newsletter and included 13 "lesser-known gems" that were favorites of some users. Ours was the 12th listed, and the entry reads:

Cheryl Hoxie of Exeter, New Hampshire, wrote that the Lane Memorial Library of Hampton, New Hampshire, "deserves an award for their online resources." The library's stated goal "is to create a database of all of the people who have lived in Hampton prior to 1900, as well as some after that date... Our goal is to become the primary clearinghouse for information on Hampton genealogy -- a source every genealogist researching Hampton families MUST consult. There is a lot of misinformation out there already in published form, and we hope to be able to put much of that to rest." Genealogists will discover an abundance of records on Hampton families, including a searchable database of over twenty-three trhousand names.

You can start your search of our historical and genealogy information on our website at

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are displaying their 2nd Annual Holiday Decoration raffle items at the library. Tickets are on sale now at the library through December 3rd. Winners will be chosen on December 3rd after the end of the Friends Holiday Bake Sale. Shown here, from left to right, are a beautiful holiday swag donated by Naturally Silk in Hampton, a festive Santa sleigh donated by Fleurs de Margrit in Hampton Falls, and an elegant pine and hollyberry centerpiece donated by Barrymore Designs in North Hampton. (Click on the photo for a larger image.) Also for raffle is a wonderful $40.00 gift certificate for a holiday centerpiece donated by Seacoast Florist in Hampton. Tickets are $1.00 for a chance or 6 chances for $5.00.

Linda Libbey

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Kurosawa's "Red Beard" Nov. 19th

In partnership with the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library, we will be showing Akira Kurosawa's film Red Beard in the Lane Room on Saturday, November 19th at 1:00 PM. Released in 1965 to wide critical and popular acclaim, Kurosawa's film is a testament to the goodness of humankind. Red Beard chronicles the tumultuous relationship between an arrogant young doctor and a compassionate clinic director. Toshiro Mifune, in his last role for Kurosawa, gives a powerhouse performance as the dignified director who teaches his embittered intern to appreciate the lives of his destitute patients.

Perfectly capturing the look and feel of 19th-century Japan, Kurosawa weaves a fascinating tapestry of time, place and emotion. Unrated, in black and white, with subtitles and the original Japanese dialog. Note that some scenes may be too intense for younger viewers.

For those who wish to stay after the film, there will be a time for group discussion and critical reflection.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Statewide Book Fair to Benefit NH Teen Readers

Just starting your holiday list? Don't forget books fit all sizes! You can finish your holiday shopping and benefit your local teens at the same time on December 2nd and 3rd. The Barnes & Noble bookstores in Salem, Nashua, Manchester, and Newington have paired up with New Hampshire Libraries to benefit teen readers in the state. All Barnes and Noble stores in NH will be holding a statewide book fair to benefit the New Hampshire Library Association's teen reading initiatives, most prominently the new Flume Award. Every library in the state will be distributing coupons to use at any Barnes and Noble Store on December 2 and 3rd. The coupon is not a discount coupon, but it will raise money for New Hampshire Libraries. At its most basic, the bookfair comes down to this: 20-25% of all purchases made with library coupons on December 2nd and 3rd at all four Barnes and Noble Stores statewide will be awarded to the New Hampshire Library Association, and the Association will distribute it to the Young Adult Section in support of their activities with teens and their promotion of The Flume: NH Teen Readers' Choice Award. There will be promotional activities at each Barnes & Noble on those days; author visits, story times, and the like. You do not have to belong to any library in order to participate. Go to any public library and receive as many coupons as you wish, or download them from our library's website (pdf format). Check your local Barnes and Noble store for a list of activities.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Career Night @ Lane Memorial Library

Teens: Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Are you wondering what sorts of options are available out there in the big, bad "real" world?

Come to Career Night at the Lane Memorial Library on Thursday, November 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the Lane Room.

In celebration of Children's Book Week (and with the help of our fabulous teen advisory board), the library is hosting a Career Night for students in grades 6 and up. Families are welcome, too. Enjoy some free refreshments and catch a glimpse of what life after school might be like. Our guests for the evening include a police officer, a newspaper editor, a lawyer with the Maine Attorney General's office, a community relations manager from Barnes & Noble, and an executive director from a therapeutic riding center (working with horses and people with special needs). Not that you need to decide right now what you will be doing for the rest of your life, but it might just be fun to ponder your future and consider the possibilities. We hope the night will be the first in a series of similar events to introduce Hampton teens to at least some of the many different careers out there.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Book Group

The Thursday afternoon book group will next meet on November 17th to discuss The Birth of Venus. Come join us at 1 p.m. to discuss Sarah Dunant's novel of 15th century Florence. Alessandra at 14 longs to paint, and dabbles in drawing behind closed doors, aided by her servant. It is in the time of the falling of the DeMedici's power and the rising of Savonarola's hold over the city. Alessandra marries for the freedom it brings, but finds it more of a prison. The novel has history, romance, politics, women's independence, and wonderful descriptions of the art of Florence.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Puppeteer Martha Dana Coming to Library on November 15th

Mark your calendars and bring the whole family. Martha Dana, puppeteer, along with her zany friends will be at the Lane Memorial Library on Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30 PM. What a way to celebrate Children's Book Week.

This extraordinary puppeteer will be bringing along her friends -- many are life-size -- to entertain all ages. Her energy is contagious along with her smile and storytelling. The puppets are made by Martha Dana and loved by all who have experienced one of her shows. The new skunk, introduced this summer, is sure to be a hit.

Experiencing a story through puppets is a great way to bring that story alive. It does not matter if the story is an old folk tale or a brand new picture book, seeing Martha and friends tell the story will engage all. Reluctant readers will be clamoring for the library's books and puppets to bring stories to life. Some may decide to check out a book to make their own puppets. What better way to celebrate the 86th year of Children's Book Week.

Please call the Lane Memorial Library's Children's Room at 926-4729 for more information and for a schedule of events during Children's Book Week.

Happy hours for home-schooled students

What goes on in the Children's Room during the traditional school day? Many preschool children with a parent or grandparent spend happy hours in the room with other friends, reading books, playing with puppets, doing puzzles, or perhaps going to a story time. Children, home from school, stop by to pick up a books, magazines or movies for their day at home on the couch. Children studying……

Many area children are homeschooled and those families use the Lane Memorial Library for the materials they need. On some occasions, we have students spending the day working on school work, researching projects and reading. It may seem unusual to some to see school age children spending hours in the library during the school day, but for the librarians, it is a normal and welcomed occurrence.

If you have not been to the Lane Memorial Library lately, stop by, visit our website, or give us a call. The Library may be the answer, whatever the question.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Next Teen Time Movie November 10th

The next Teen Time movie will be shown on Thursday, November 10th. Show time is 2:45 p.m. This month's film will be either The Incredibles or Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the old version with Gene Wilder). As of today, Willy Wonka has taken the lead, but Cheryl will continue to accept votes until moments before show time. As always, if you want to watch the movie, make sure your permission form is signed and on file at the library before the movie starts. Extra forms are available in the Children's Room.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Friends of the Lane Memorial Library announce activities

Fall is here and the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are offering up programs and services that include lectures, student tutoring, large-print book acquisitions, book clubs and more.

At the September meeting the Friends voted to support the Dear Reader Program for a year.

The program is an online book club that offers the first chapter of books to participants and then directs them to the library where the books will be reserved. There are 11 book clubs available and they can be viewed at by clicking "Online Book Clubs."

The Friends have also purchased a four-pack table and storage cart for Homework Helpers, the peer support and tutoring program that begins in the fall.

The group has also voted to replace the library's membership admission passes that allow Lane Memorial Library members access to Strawbery Banke, Seacoast Science Center, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Portsmouth Children's Museum and more.

A check for $1,000 was presented to Friends' President Linda Libbey for the purpose of purchasing large-print books. The check was presented to Catherine Redden and was given in memory of Stella Shaw McEachern, Redden's mother.

Children's Book Week begins Nov. 14 with a book sale at the library. The group is in need of beginner reader books as well as picture books. Classes from Centre School will be visiting on field trips.

Donations of gently used books can be dropped off at the library. For information on this sale, contact the Children's Room.

The annual meeting of the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library will take place Nov. 1 at 6:30 p.m. and will be held in the Dorothy Little room. All are invited.

Friends of the Lane Memorial Library are always accepting new members. Membership fees include the $10 individual level, $15 family, $50 patron and $100 benefactor. Membership forms are available online or at the library.

Links and information to the above programs and events can be found online at or by calling the library at 926-4729.

November Children's News

Be sure to check out the November issue of Children's News, our monthly newsletter. You can find old-fashioned paper copies downstairs in the Children's Room, or you can access it online via our Web page: From the index page, simply click on the link for "Children's Newsletter" and catch up on the latest news. (Adobe Acrobat is required.)