Hampton Academy art show at the library

Every year since 2001 the Hampton Academy art department showcases the work of their student artists on the walls of the librarys Wheaton Lane meeting room. This year there is so much art that the works have spread out into the lobby and stairwell! The whole area is a riot of color. If you have never come to see the amazing work these kids do then you owe it to yourself to visit the library this month to check it out. The Hampton Union ran a story on the show in today's paper, which I'll reprint here:
Lane Memorial Library was transformed into an art museum this week, featuring the work of hundreds of local artists.
The entire student population of Hampton Academy was involved in the school's seventh annual Art Show on Tuesday night, contributing more than 700 pieces of art to the showing.
Eighth-grader Thomas Warren pointed his mother, Carla, in the direction of two of his creations. "This is a duct tape mosaic mask," Thomas said, motioning to one. The second was a butterfly drawn free hand from a photo.
"I like painting with watercolors best," Thomas said. "It's a fun class."
Sarah Filiault and her mother, Carole, were studying a display of art patterns. Sarah, who is in eighth grade, said this is her first art show.
"I have a self-portrait, a watercolor butterfly and a seashell," Sarah said
"She's always drawing at home," her mother added.
Art teachers Jane Copp and Dona Boardman were busily pointing out the many facets of artwork submitted by their students.
"We had the first art show in 2001," Copp said. "The first years it was mainly sixth-graders, but the past two years it's been the entire school."
"It's been steady," Boardman said of the night's visitors to the art show. "We're very happy with the turnout."
The show boasted oil pastel landscapes, primitive landscape drawings, tropical watercolor panels, ceiling tiles, ancient South American motifs, and line pattern drawings.
Standing in front of trout renditions and tropical fish watercolor panels, seventh-grader Emily Hopkins and her mother, Amy, talked about Emily's four contributions to the art show.
"I think it's really fun stuff that lets me express myself," Emily said.
With a wall of self-portraits staring back at them, eighth-grader Lauren Williams stood with her father, Tom, and her sister, Caroline.
"It doesn't look exactly like me," Lauren said. "But I think it came out OK."