G’Day for Reading at the Lane Library!
It’s always a good day for reading at Lane Memorial Library, and it is also this summer’s theme. “G’Day for Reading,” features Australia and all things Down Under.
The Children’s Room has a terrific line-up of events and reading programs. The information below will give you an idea of all the fun things in store at Lane Library for youngsters up to sixth grade:
Summer programming BEGINS: Wednesday, JUNE 25th
Summer programming ENDS: Wednesday, JULY 30th
How does the program work? The Children's Room will provide a log for you to keep track of how many minutes you read. Starting Wednesday, June 25th, you can get this log as a hard copy from the library or
download it from the blog.
30 minutes of reading=one raffle ticket.
60 minutes of reading=two raffle tickets and a paper fish with the child's name on it. This goes on our Great Barrier Read mural.
120 minutes of reading=four raffle tickets, two paper fish, and the child's choice of a mini-prize.
You can come in throughout the six weeks of summer reading to bring in your log. PLEASE HAVE A GROWN UP AT HOME SIGN IT BEFORE SHOWING IT TO US! To see a sample log, so you know how to fill it out, click
On the evening of July 30th, at 6:30 pm, we will randomly pull raffle tickets. Those whose names are called will receive a prize donated by generous local businesses and organizations. Some of the prizes include mini WebKinz, T-shirts, and gift certificates.
If you can't make it to our Grand Finale, we will phone you and hold your prize till you can pick it up.
Also on the evening of July 30th, each child who participated in our summer reading program will receive a free book and summer reading certificate. Although we can't guarantee that you will win a raffle prize, everyone goes home with something!
Do we need to sign up?
Yes. Sign ups start Monday, JUNE 2nd until Monday, JULY 21st.
However, the earlier you sign up and start logging in the minutes you read, the more raffle tickets you receive--AND the better your chance to win prizes at our Grand Finale!
Can I choose whatever I want to read?
YES! Although our theme is Australia, you can read any type of book on any subject, so long as you have your parent or guardian’s approval. While we hope you check out all the marvelous things the Children's Room has to offer, you do not have to read only Lane Library material.
Do I keep track of all reading?
Yes, you do! If you read to yourself, that counts. If someone else reads to you, that counts. If you read a magazine or online article or graphic novel, that counts. Games are the only things that don't count.
Even if you only have time to read for ten minutes a day, please keep track of that. It will add up!
What are the Children's Room special events this summer?
On every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m.-10 a.m., we will host a story time. This is aimed primarily for children ages 4-7, though all are welcome. This is a drop-in event followed by a small craft or activity.
Also on Wednesdays, we have terrific performers coming to the Lane Room next to the Children's Room. All begin at 1o:30 a.m. except for our final show, Wildlife Encounters, which starts at 10 a.m.
PLEASE NOTE: because there is a legal limit to the number of people in the Lane Room, sign ups are strongly suggested. ALL OF OUR EVENTS ARE ALREADY AT CAPACITY! We will be happy to add your name to a wait list, but there is no guarantee there will be cancellations:
June 25th kick-off: Musician Steve Blunt will have you singing and dancing with his fun and educational program.
July 2nd: Magician Peter Boie's sleight of hand will amaze you.
July 9th: Puppeteer Martha Dana returns once more with her beloved cast of puppets old and new.
July 16th: Carol and her Crew of puppets make for a merry time at the Lane Room.
July 23d: The Boston Museum of Science's traveling show will work science "magic" before your eyes.
July 30th: Wildlife Encounters comes back to Lane with a nifty menagerie of animals--including a baby wallaby
Please call the Children's Room at 926-4729 if you have any questions or would like to sign up.
We look forward to seeing you at Lane!