"Lifting and Injury Prevention" - Lecture, August 12th

Join OSHA and Applied Ergonomics specialist Steven M. Jones on Wednesday evening, August 12th at 6:30 PM for a lecture on the biomechanics of lifting and injury prevention. Steve has written a 20 page illustrated booklet on proper lifting and muscle care, which will be available free to all who attend.
Steven Jones holds two advanced degrees from Southern Connecticut State University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has published articles on musculoskeletal injuries, and is an authorized instructor in HAZMAT, CPR/AED and First Aid, the National Traffic Safety Institute, and the Brain Trauma Foundation. He is a resident of Hampton, NH.
This lecture is free and open to the public, with time set aside after the lecture for questions from the audience. For more information, please contact Darrell Eifert at 926-3368.