The Children's Room staff would like to thank all the amazing people who have made our 2010 holiday events such a wonderful experience for our patrons.
Our annual Polar Express party relies on the baking bounty of our supporters, and people gave so generously. We very much appreciate all the goodies that were donated--and the time and talent it took to prepare them.
As you can see from the photo of that evening, we had a capacity crowd, and there was ample food for everybody. Thank you, snack providers--and yum =)
A big, warm thank you to Santa for coming to our gathering and making it such a jolly time!
We are especially grateful to Caroline Holmes for being an awesome treats coordinator, as well as hugely helpful in getting word out about the Children's Room doings. You rock, Caroline!
Lane Library was also pleased and privileged to take part in the Hampton holiday parade. Shelley Chandler, president of the Friends of the Lane Library, and Caroline Holmes did a great job helping to decorate the truck that was generously lent to us by Steven McNally.
Shelley deserves special recognition for driving the truck once it was decked out in its parade finery. Brianna Brand, teen extraordinaire, was not only an excellent banner-holder but made a perfect Christmas elf.
A heartfelt thank you, too, to all the folks who stood out in the cold and cheered us on as we went by. Your enthusiam and smiling faces kept us warm long after the parade was over.
We wish all our patrons a joyful holiday season and look forward to perhaps seeing you at the Children's Room movies (both kid's and ladies' night out) scheduled throughout the rest of December.
PS. As a personal thank you, enormous kudoes to Miss Joanne and Miss Wendy for all they did to make the Polar Express such a success, as well as to them and Miss Amanda for their contributions, in so many ways, to the parade.